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Control Your Cravings


Cravings play a critical role in understanding what your body needs and shouldn’t be ignored. When I help you learn how to deconstruct your cravings and understand what they’re really telling you, you’ll be able to regain a sense of balance and harmony in your body.


Many other nutrition experts will give their clients a list of foods to eat and what to avoid without much explanation!  This explains why so many people are turned off and confused by nutrition today. Your trillions of cells need to be healthy to keep you healthy. I will teach you new and fun ways to heal your body, and even age more gracefully!



Adding not Subtracting


My approach is completely different. By adding in foods and drinks that are good for you, your body will make the choice naturally to want more of the good stuff because it makes your body feel better. This is a great start in how to crowd out the junk and unhealthy foods in your diet in favor of healthier choices.

Your Bio-Individuality


Another important aspect I cover with my clients is your bio-individuality. Other fields of nutrition think we are all the same, but I know you are as individual as your fingerprint, and your dietary needs are as well. Your blood type, your ancestry, where you were born, these along with several other areas I will cover with you all play a part into what you eat and why.

Kids in Vegetable Farm
In the Supermarket

I thought I just needed some help to lower my sugar intake and find some solutions that would stick long term. When I met Erica, I was eating a lot of fast food. After working with her, I am amazed at all the different areas we covered and how much better I feel.  She is amazing!

- Wayne USAF, Retired, Walnut Creek

Let me be the guide in your journey to improved health and mental wellbeing. 

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