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Our 3 Month Programs


We work with our clients to get their health and life into balance. We offer a range of programs designed to bring balance to several key areas that are commonly out of balance. Combine one or more programs ( one or three month) for a discount and get a full range of benefits for a more balanced life today!

Weight Balance  Program


This is a 3-month  (6 session) in-depth program to get to the heart of rebalancing your life and your body, and helping you understand your body better than ever before. If you feel you want to lose ( or gain) 5 pounds or more, this program can help you identify the areas in your life that may be hindering your progress, and ultimately your goals so you can get to where you want to be and feel balanced and better than ever!


Woman Sleeping

Sleep Balance Program


This is a 3 month (6 session) in-depth program focusing  on helping to change sleeping habits to create a sanctuary to truly rest in, You will soon start waking refreshed  and excited to start a new day.

Sleep is highly underrated and most of us don't get enough of it. What people don't realize, is the body only heals when the mind and body are asleep.


Stress Balance Program


 Stress comes in many forms, and from all sides in today's busy world and we all handle it differently. There are keys to help balance the stress of life, job, family and keep your health in check. This program can be custom tailored to be a one or three month program. 




Senior Yoga Class

Let me be the guide in your journey to improved health and mental wellbeing. 

Doctor Holding Patient's Hand

I thought I just needed some help to lower my sugar intake and to find some solutions that would stick long term. When I met Erica, I was eating a lot of fast food. After working with her, I am amazed at all the different areas we covered and how much better I feel.  She is amazing!

Wayne - USAF, Retired, Walnut Creek
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